Our development kitchen downstairs is where our chefs work hard during the day to prepare all of the elements on our tasting menu, but every evening it transforms into our private dining room - the most luxurious and intimate private dining experience.

Our open plan kitchen and dining room creates a uniquely relaxed yet exclusive atmosphere.

A private staircase leading to the dining room, full control of the sound system and secret access to the facilities will ensure your evening is one of total exclusivity, be it a celebration, business meeting or just an evening with friends.

There is no additional charge to hire our private dining room but we do ask that a minimum spend be met. You may choose to spend this how you wish, and if you decide not to opt for our wine pairing then your dedicated sommelier will be delighted to talk you through the incredible bottles that our wine cellar has to offer.

For any questions, including whole restaurant hire, click the enquire button below.